March 21, 2013

Great, Grand and Glorious Opportunities

Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is providing two great, grand and glorious opportunities at the same time.

My beloved brothers and sisters, Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is providing our C&MA family with TWO UNPRECENDENTED OPPORTUNTIES AT THE SAME TIME.

Opportunity One: Extensive repairs of our physical property provided by Pastor Pablo Gamaz

The reality is that no repairs have been made since our “new sanctuary” was completed 30 years ago. The only exception is some emergency repairs of severe leaks during the rainy season. Why have we sorely neglected repairs? We do not have people available for the work. We do not have money to hire contractors.
Pastor Pablo Gamaz is a one-man construction company. He volunteered to fix everything. Remember, he installed new security locks in all the outside-facing doors. He has painted The Elliott Eastman Room (Fellowship Hall) and Guadalupe Avila hung lovely new curtains. He recently installed a new door to the conference room as well as having nearly completed building a totally NEW bathroom in our lovely, large nursery.

Opportunity Two: Our C&MA church is now on the World Wide Web and Facebook provided by Mark Ragan assisted by Ira Barker, and Heather Svihl assisted by Bonnie and Austin Perez

Simply put, everyone, anywhere in the world, on the internet may now hear our Pastor and can connect with our church. Already, we have had 15 people listen to Pastor’s sermons, 19 people like our Facebook page, and we have received a prayer request for a State Senator. This is just since March 4th, we launched the sites.

Now, here is the faith part for our C&MA family. Both of these golden opportunities are expensive. Reality is this. Your contributions do not even begin to cover the basic operating expenses of the church.

The General Fund of the church is empty (and the quarterly insurance payment of $750 is due). We have borrowed from the Youth Fund, with the permission of the contributor. This cannot continue.

The Lord is our Source, our provider. You are his instruments.

The traditional Easter Love Offering is designated for our General Fund. May we be united in prayer as the C&MA family?

“Whoever puts their trust in Him will never be put to shame.”
Romans 9:33