March 5, 2013

Blessed & Extraordinary January

As a church, we want to thank our Lord Jesus Christ for 11 blessed and extraordinary events that happened in January. This is the strongest start of a new year in decades. 

  1. Attendance: Average attendance in January increase nearly 10% over 2012 average for the year
  2. Church Secretary: Heather Svihl now serves as the creative, efficient church secretary
  3. Clothing Distribution: The distribution on First Saturday of month and every Sunday was reorganized and improved
  4. Fiances: Two Large unexpected, generous gifts were contributed to the church. 
  5. Improvements were made in the physical facilities: Too many improvements to list everything, but here are a few: west exterior wall was repainted, many rooms have been reorganized and our lawn and grounds are beautiful now.
  6. Inspiring services were held: 
    1. Teen Challenge came with 25 beautiful women who shared how the Lord transformed their lives 
    2. Unity-Communion Services with the three ethnic congregations who share the Lord's facilities...English, Spanish, Cambodian. 122 people were in attendance and after the service a nice Cambodian lunch was served.
  7. Membership: Five people were welcomed into official membership. This is the largest number of new members at one time SINCE Novemeber 1997.
  8. Mission Contribution: Your missionary contributions for support of missionaries were more than $9,000 when the missionary pledge year ended in January. 
  9. Nursery: A completely new bathroom was built by Pastor Gamaz who contributed his construction skills. Bob Bellet helped with termite elimination.
  10. PowerPoint: For the first time we have Power Point for our Worship Services.
  11. Sing-Along, Evening Service: Ed Maxwell volunteered and led a Sunday Evening Sing-Along in which 27 people were in attendance. There are more sing along services to come. 
All these blessing and benefits happened in just ONE MONTH.  
Our Pastor and his wife have been encouraged for many years by Galatians 6:9, 
"We shall reap in DUE SEASON if we FAINT NOT."

Will the year 2013 be our churches "DUE SEASON" ?