For the last several weeks, Pastor Rosenberg has been preaching about what the Holy Spirit does in our lives. If you would like to listen to the sermons, please click on the picture which will take you to our SoundCloud Page. Below is an outline of seven of things that the Holy Spirit does in our lives.
1. The Holy Spirit is God’s magnifying mirror inside of you to show you to yourself, through conviction of sin. (John 16:8-9)
2. The Holy Spirit performs a radical make-over of your character and personality, so we will be like Christ. (Galatians 5:22)
3. The Holy Spirit reveals the permanent location of where we live now…heaven. (Ephesians 2:4-6)
4. The Holy Spirit reveals your identities and enables you to be who you are. Our new identities include but not limited to:
a. ADOPTED by God the Father (Romans 8:14-17)
b. AMBASSADOR for Christ (2 Corinthians 5:20)
5. The Holy Spirit controls your mind. He becomes a “firewall” to keep the devil from hacking in and stealing God words. He is like a filter that protects our minds from being messed up the devil. (Romans 8:6-9)
6. The Holy Spirit is our Guide to guide us to our individual appointed destinations. One common destination we all have as adopted children of God is the land of freedom from the prison of our bad memories. (Luke 4:14-19)
7. The Holy Spirit infuses supernatural power into our lives for specific purposes. (Acts 1:6-8)
a. Power for constant prayer
b. Power for passionate proclamation of Christ